Selecting your Spouse the “Write Way” (2)


Should these two get married?

Macjob Oladipupo


In the last edition, we began a conversation on how to leverage graphology as a profiling tool in selecting a spouse. It has been established already that humans are very complex beings, with millions of neurons in the body, each having its own complexities. Therefore, we would always be in need of tools and gadgets to help unravel the mystery beneath human behaviour at every point in time.

As promised the last time, we will be looking at the handwriting samples of these two prospective couple in the silhuotte images, to see if they are compatible, graphologically speaking.

It is important for me to restate here that graphology is, in no way, trying to serve as a replacement for God’s divine direction regarding the choice of a spouse or partner. However, being a knowledge niche rooted in psychological principles, with results of effectiveness to show over decades, it is wisdom for us to learn one or two insights to be gained from this skill set as it pertains to personality profiling.

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Let us assume that the two handwriting samples we have are labelled sample 1 and the other sample 2, belonging to the male and female, respectively.

From the two samples you will notice that the slants of these two handwritings are similar. They are both right slanted. As a rule, similarity in slants in a handwriting is one indicator of similarities in behavioural traits or personality characteristics.

It has been established already that anyone with a right-slanted handwriting is usually expressive, emotional and if the handwriting is big in size, you find them also extroverted. These people are the type advertisers look out for because many a time, their decisions are based on emotions rather than thorough rational thinking. They can get quite impulsive and impatient, depending on how right slanted the handwriting is. The most important thing here is for both parties to know what they can deal with in their partner and what they cannot tolerate.

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If, for example, you desire a spouse or partner who is a good conversationist or would like to talk, the slant is one of the ways to find that out. But you can have someone who is quite expressive yet not really the outgoing type. This is similar to what we have in the two samples above. Even though both are right-slanted, one of them is a bit reserved personality.

Whatever the case may be, you can know a bit about someone’s relationship skills by looking out for certain parameters in their handwriting. This helps you to guage the compatibility level between you and the other person

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One other parameter I would like to mention in this edition is the spaces between words. If the handwriting has considerable spaces between the words written, you are looking at someone who is rather introverted and isn’t so much into having lots of friends. If its closely spaced, it has a different meaning.

Don’t miss the next edition for another exciting topic. Until then, always remember that “if you must get it right, you must do it the “write” way.


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